This department houses two lecture halls, seminar hall, museum and practical hall.

Undergraduates Students – Routine Theory, Practical classes, symposiums, group discussions & Periodical Vertical and horizontal integration programmes.
Post graduates Teaching Curriculum includes
Short topics |
Slide discussion |
Journal Club |
Classes on histopathology & grossing |
Autopsy Classes |
Clinical Pathology case discussions |
Paramedical DMLT course –lectures & practicals are taken |
Other Activities |
Clinical Society Meeting |
Cases presented |
Gastrointestinal stromal tumor |
Renal Cell Carcinoma |
Amelanotic Melanoma |
Dysgerminoma ovary |
Fibroadenoma in perineal region |
Well differentiated Lipo Sarcoma |
Organisation & Activities
The Department of Pathology has the following divisions |
Clinical Pathology |
Surgical Pathology |
Cyto Pathology |
Autopsy Pathology |

The Laboratory is fully equipped with the following equipments :
Automatic cell counter
Automatic tissue Processor
Coagulometer, QBC, urinometer
The Department has started doing immune histo chemical marker studies for tumors.
Services Provided
Histopathology |
Fluid Cytology |
CSF – Cell Analysis |
Immunio Histo chemistry |
Coagulation Profile |
Haemotological parameters & special tests like osmotic fragility |
Bone marrow |
Routine Urine tests |
Research Activities 2009-10
Morphology of coronary artery in patients dying of myocardial infarction and correlation with antecedent clinical condition. |
Role of enterochromaffin cells in neurogenic appendicopathy. |
Correlation of clinical staging of carcinoma stomach with its mucin producing capacity. |
Role of HER-2 neu as prognostic factor in breast carcinoma. |
Comparison of staging with grading in breast carcinoma. |
Role of vascular invasion in prognosis in breast carcinoma. |
Role of abberant crypt foci as precursors of adenoma & cancer in colon. |
Correlation of histopathology and Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology in Soft tissue lesions. |
Correlation of histopathology and Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology in Thyroid lesions. |
Clinicopathologic study of breast carcinoma. ER, PR, status and lymph node metastasis. |
Clinicopathologic study and immunohistochemical correlation of ER, PR, & HER-2 neu status in carcinoma breast. |
CME Organised
CME on Gynaecological Pathology |
CME on Haematopathology |
CME on uropathology |
CME on Soft Tissue Tumors.talk by international faculty DR V.P SUMATHI , FRCPath.,from Birmingham UK |
Paper /Poster Presentation
A case series of neuroendocrine tumors of the GIT
Peutz jegar polyp in the stomach
An intresting case of atypical lipomatous tumor- case report
An intresting case of palatal perforation
Future Goals
To have a full-fledged immuno histo chemical lab and nephro pathology lab.
BLOOD BANK which is annexed to this department.